#!/usr/bin/perl $abmain::master_cfg_dir="c:/websites/saubier/board/abmasterd"; # can be an absolute path or a path relative to the working dir $abmain::fix_cgi_url="http://www.saubier.com/board/anyboard.cgi"; # the full URL of this script $abmain::fix_top_dir="c:/websites/saubier/board"; # the directory that will host all anyboard forums $abmain::fix_top_url="http://www.saubier.com/board"; # the URL of the directory above $abmain::no_pathinfo = 1 ; ## must set to 1 for IIS $abmain::allow_board_deletion =1; ## set this to 1 if want master admin to delete forum from web ############################################################################################################ ############################ Anyboard: The Collaborative Community Groupware for the 21st Century ##### ############################ Information capture, sharing, classification, retrieval and utilization ##### ############################################################################################################ ############################# All the rest are optional! ############### $abmain::off_webroot = 0; # if $fix_top_dir is off the web tree, set this to 1 $abmain::no_pathinfo = 1 if $ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE} =~ /iis|netscape/i ; ## set to 1 for IIS and netscape server BEGIN{ $abmain::img_top="http://www.saubier.com/board/abicons"; # change this to the URL of the directory where icons are put } $abmain::smtp_server ="saubier.com"; ## set this to smtp server $abmain::default_smtp_port = 25; ## oE number of the SMTP server $abmain::use_sendmail_cmd = 0 ; ## change this to 1 if using sendmail command $abmain::sendmail_cmd ="/usr/lib/sendmail -t"; ## change this to the path to sendmail command ## anyboard uses this if $smtp_server equals $sendmail_cmd $abmain::zip_command="/usr/bin/zip -r -"; ## set this to the command that used to archive the forum dirs and files ## must output to stdout (such as "tar c") $abmain::max_upload_file_size = 1024*1024; ## this is set at the script level, as we need to abort the upload as soon as possible $abmain::min_chat_refresh = 5; ## The minimum refresh interval for the chat page $abmain::disable_sinfo = 0; $abmain::shadow_cfg = 0; ## set this to 1 to shadow the .forum_cfg file $abmain::do_untaint = 1; ## set this to 1 to do silly untainting $abmain::use_dbf=0; $abmain::bypass_loadfix=0; $abmain::loaded_fix="no"; $abmain::top_virtual_dir=""; $abmain::master_admin_email="support\@anyboard.net"; $abmain::validate_admin_email=0; #x1 $abmain::forum_admin_roll=1; #x1 $abmain::tz_offset = 0; ## time display offset in hours $abmain::msg_bg ="#ddddff"; ##background color of the message pages (including error page) $abmain::debug = 0; #x1 #x1 $abmain::dump_code = 0; $abmain::master_cfg_dir= $ENV{ABMASTERD} if $ENV{ABMASTERD}; $abmain::zip_command= $ENV{ABZIPCMD} if $ENV{ABZIPCMD}; $abmain::max_upload_file_size = $ENV{ABMAXUPSIZE} if $ENV{ABMAXUPSIZE}; $jW::random_seq = 0; # randomize message number $abmain::err_filter=qq(/home/anyboard|/home/bbscity|/home.?/anygroup|/home/jumpstock|/home/anyforum); $abmain::iconizer="http://www.anyecard.com/cgi-bin/makeicon.pl"; ##spell checker configure this $abmain::enable_speller=0; #set it to 1 to enable $abmain::spellcgi ="/cgi-bin/sproxy.cgi"; # URI of the sproxy script, no http://domain part ## no need to change what's below, unless you put spch.js out of the www/ root $abmain::spelljs = "/spch.js"; #URI of the spch.js script $abmain::spell_js=qq(); ### end spell checker $abmain::no_dot_file = 0; $abmain::use_alarm = ($^O=~/win/i)?0:1; $abmain::no_crypt = 0; #x1 $jW::post_filter=$ENV{ABPOSTFILTER}; ;############# CUT AND SAVE THE HEADER SECTION ABOVE ####################### require 5.003; $abmain::DONOT_EDIT_START_FROM_HERE =<<'CODE_PROTECTED'; //Copyright(C), Netbula LLC, 1998, All Rights Reserved. //The AnyBoard(tm) Bulletin Board System is protected //by US and International copyright laws. //Unauthorized use or distribution of AnyBoard(tm) is strictly prohibited, //unauthorized modifications of the code below is also prohibited. //violators will be prosecuted. To obtain a license for using AnyBoard(tm), //please see info at http://netbula.com/anyboard/license.html //Author: YDX (ÔÀ ¶« Ïþ) CODE_PROTECTED use lib "c:/websites/saubier/board/abmasterd/anyboard_mod"; use abmain; use lB; use jW; use dZz; use jPa; use jFa;; use jEa;; abmain::lTz(); ;####################################### modules ###################################